Fitzdog Radio! Honest funny interviews w/ Greg Fitzsimmons' new and old friends diving deep and laughing hard. Guests include Zach Galifianakis, Joe Rogan, Sarah Silverman, JB Smoove, Chelsea Handler, Nick Swardson, Sebastian, Judd Apatow, Steven Wright, Dave Attell, Louis CK and Bill Burr
W. Kamau Bell, host of Totally Biased on FX, rises up to Greg's challenge to cover every event in today's news including masturbating to the image of Selena Gomez. Kamau talks for the first time about his scare with bladder cancer.
Why Chicago's Deadly Violence is Nearly the Exclusive Province to African-American CriminalsChicago, IL The murder rate has soraed in Chicago as African-Americans rage on each other and White people. In nearly every incident the offenders are Black. There are a few Hispanics killing but White people are rarely a part of the Windy City's violence other than as victims. This is a deadly public health issue every bit as bad as the plague.Leftist government officials once again tinkered with failed social experiments by dismantling the vertical ghettos like the Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor housing projects. They sent these inhabitants out to the suburbs by the thousands and to all White neighborhoods like Chicago's Northwest side. Crimes especially murder are exploding everywhere these African-Americans have been placed.The reason for the increase in violence is a simply a flawed culture not some genetic trait. However, it's the tolerance for the unique African-American culture of ignorance, hate and violence that fuels the crime. It destroys lives of both the perpetrators and the victims.Blacks are encouraged not to fit into an integrated society by maintaining a warped value system. It begins with fostering ignorance with their pathetic language, Ebonics. Every third word they use is profane and insulting such as their favorite term, mother fucker. Theft is a way of life along with massive indiscriminate breeding. Traditional American values and standards of conduct are not part of Chicago's African-American society. Blacks are enabled, encouraged and invited not to conform to the ways of a peaceful productive society.The news media has done everything possible to cover up the fallout from the Black community. However in recent years there has been an explosion of cheap quality video cameras and every night Black faces of violence are broadcast into Chicago's homes during the dinner hour.They've tried to blame guns for the culture of murder but the White inhabitants own significantly more firearms and are not turned into killing machines because they own guns. It's the bankrupt culture, and the tolerance of it that's the real problem.Young Black men treat being arrested and pushed through the criminal justice system like White people treat diplomas and scholastic honors. Being sent to jail is somehow considered a bold accomplishment. Rather than being a social stigma a felony conviction is a right of manhood in the African-America big city culture.Culture tolerance is the new genocide and it's practiced to the absolute detriment of Chicago's Blacks and their miserable way of life.The culture must be shunned, blacklisted and punished or it will continue degenerate in ugliness and misery. Responsible government officials need to de-glamorize bad behavior and begin to do something unheard of in Chicago's schools. Simply be teaching children that by some conformance, simple manners and embracing education they can gain wealth and actually live the American dream.Until we attack the rabid, violent and destructive Black culture we will never succeed in bringing kindness, productivity or enjoyment to African-Americans. Frankly they don't deserve the flawed social programing the political Left has created for them. That programing has been racist and inherently evil. [url=]rirgqtsbap[/url] [link=]spkneaudg[/link]
eleven and a half years ago
Jim Lily-White Asswipe GoadMotherf*ck you and the leaky trailer you live in,I have hate in MY heart for all you uhewsnad Republikkkan cracker trolls and guttersnipes! You don't have any black neighbors, Dick!!!I hate the constant whining about so-called black crime and your pathetic cherry-picking of the internet and police blotters for examples, and oblique suggestions that White on black crime is always justified. White Wall St. crime is far more extensive and damaging to society.I hate your endlessly relentless cheerleading of White supremacy, White paternalism, White nationalism, phony White excptionalism, White colonialism, White imperialsm, White thievery, and White racism.I hate your very existence.I hate your inference that the White devil race is blameless for historical atrocities inflicted on the entire globe (you should have kept your worthless, homicidal land stealing asses in Europe!) I hate the way you try to bullshit the entire world into believing that you peckerwoods are God's gift to civilization, when in reality you're really the true children of Satan covered in the blood of innocent dark-skinned people of the earth.I hate the fact that you diabolical White cockroaches keep re-inventing your racism...the newest meme is: Whenever someone black points out or points up paleface racism you quarterhicks try to "boomerang" it and turn it around on us; "I'm not racist, YOU'RE RACIST"!!trying to squelch the issue and make blacks look racist for bringing it up!I hate the functioning Stormfront Conservaturd shithole that is FOX NEWS, bolstering your phony sense of racial purity, superiority and self-righteousness.I hate that the fact you stupid idiots actually believe you're better than everyone else on earth and that gives you right to stick your long noses in everyone's business (Syria, and Libya for example).I hate that you arrogant White rat- f*ckers claim to speak for everyone on the planet!I hate that lily-White Repunkkklican crooks (Romney and the rest of the 1%) who are sucking this country and the Federal Treasury dry stealing every loose dollar in sight, rigging congress and getting smoothly away with it.I hate all the sneaky White reactionary ALEC assholes that are actively and smugly destroying this democracy.I hate that you try to marginalize, incarcerate and even murder our leaders and spokespeople that won't kiss your flat collective asses and blame black people for White outrages and violence. I hate the fact that you devils dare to try to castigate us when we fight back or speak out against your attacks and racism. Give it up stupid, Jim Crow days are over and will never return!!!I hate that you celebrate snivelling, porch-monkey lawn-jockey race traitors (Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Shelby Steele, Herman Cain, pussy-assed Jesse Peterson, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder et al) just because they flatter the twisted image of your evil pasty-faced murderous mob!I hate the fact that you glass-eyed children of Satan constantly try to make the world believe that your racism is never your own fault.I hate the fact that back in the 14th century the Bubonic Plague didn't wipe out the ENTIRE White race--the world would have been much better off!I hate that in 1492 the Indians didn't slit Columbus' throat and kill all the rest of those White genocidal fiends when they stepped off the boat.I hate that Whites are so delusional, their self-image is so inflated they believe everyone on earth loves the white race--when the exact opposite is the real truth!I hate the fact that Whites believe that the world needs them!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA nobody needs you, paleface!!!I hate White racist trolls like Jim Asshole Goad."The White man is so goddamn stupid, he really can't figure out why he is so hated?"H. Rap Brown--1967
eleven and a half years ago
he saw Isnora and figured they'd drive down the block, pull over, try to find the poilce light to put atop the car, etc. etc. this all takes time and the guys in the car are getting ready to pull away. I don't know what he was thinking. I don't understand why he didn't have Headley get out of the car right then and make the stop. Why drive by? Meanwhile, after motioning to Napoli and seeing him drive right by, Isnora looked back at Bell's car to see Guzman looking right at him, seeing his gun drawn, and, he thought, his poilce shield. He said it looked like Guzman was reaching into his waistband for a gun, Isnora said poilce, don't move, and their car drove forward and grazed his leg and ran into Oliver's van, who was still following Napoli, not knowing what else they were looking for. Bell's car backed up again, into Isnora's path, then forward again, and when it stopped Isnora said he thought Guzman was reaching for a gun and was going to shoot him. So, not having the time to wait for Napoli and Headley to get their acts together and come make the stop, he fired. So, basically, Isnora, who had no intention of making a stop, but only following the men until Headley got there to make the stop, ended up doing so by default, and obviously badly. Things would have been much different had Napoli stopped the car and Headley got out with his badge around his neck and effectuated the stop. [url=]rwdypkbmu[/url] [link=]xsmoljry[/link]
eleven and a half years ago
In some cases, the premium is not so much bunyig incentive but to pay off the more onerous of debts the other company incurs. Sometimes the merger bargaining involves discussion of what to do with the debts. Mergers can be a combining of peers, but usually a company subsumes another. The company taken over often had inferior resources to work with, including capital and debt issues. I've seen things where some units, say a region of stores were to be sold to pay off a debt issue that the bunyig company found disagreeable. Of course, they will also do that for other issues, such as one store chain I know sold its stores in a certain state because the union contract there held wages too high for their preferred model.