Ali Siddiq is the real deal. After spending years in prison he has come out with a vengeance putting out 5 comedy specials and becoming one of the most powerful comics on the scene. We had an awesome time hangin out at the Comedy Store recording this.
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Follow Ali Siddiq on Instagram @alisiddiq
Kirk Fox opens up about his fantasies and we get into Budddhist thoughts of love and acceptance. An exquisite podcast for the summer.
Follow Kirk Fox on Instagram @KirkFox
Returning to the show is rising star Fahim Anwar. He dances, tells jokes and makes fun of me.
Follow Fahim Anwar on Instagram @FahimAnwar
From The Comedy Store, where he grew up, I chat with American icon Pauly Shore about his upbringing, going direct to the fans, spending the pandemic in Vegas, being a grinder, and enjoying the moment.
Follow Pauly Shore on Instagram @PaulyShore